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Working with a Recruiter

Over the last 30+ years, we’ve found that adhering to these common-sense guidelines can often mean the difference between frustration and success for both candidates and companies.

First, seek out a recruiting partner that specializes in your field. They understand the idiosyncracies of the industry’s hiring process, and have an established network to help them match candidates with job openings. 

Communicate, communicate, communicate. Nothing slows down the process like candidates/hiring managers who don’t respond to the recruiter in a timely manner.

Be patient. When the stars align, finding the perfect fit can happen in as little as a few days. But in a challenging employment market, it can take weeks—or more. 

Stay connected. Even if you’re not currently looking, your recruiting partner can be a valuable resource to you. Checking in now and then can often lead to happy surprises.

Finally, trust your recruiter. Famous last words where some headhunters are concerned. But at QPS, we operate a little differently. You see, we know it’s just plain smart business to be not simply a resource, but an ally.

If you have questions about any of these tips, or want more details, feel free to contact one of our professional recruiters directly.