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2016 Career Goals

Dec 29, 2015, 08:05 AM by Kathleen Kontos

As 2015 nears the end, you may be planning to improve your health or kick a bad habit, but have you thought about setting new career goals that you can actually achieve? After all, we spend most of our lives making a living, so shouldn’t our work be one of the most fulfilling things we do?

There are constant changes unfolding in our work environments and personal lives, so it’s important to reassess our goals and set new ones with measured outcomes.

Here’s a guide to setting your career goals in 2016:


Setting any kind of goal starts with reflecting on yourself, so take some time to think about the past year and what you have all achieved.

Know your values:

In order to set lasting career goals, you need to know what is important to you in your life. When you align your goals with your values, you will be more likely to achieve them.

Understand the purpose:

The chances that you will commit to your goal in the long term are more likely if you can understand the meaning and purpose for setting the goal in the first place.

Express them:

The more you talk about your goals or intended actions, the more real they will become. Write them down, tell people about your plans and set yourself regular calendar reminders to keep you inspired and on track.

Set a time frame:

Make your action plan even more real by setting a timeframe. Most people work productively when they are striving to meet a deadline, so consider how long each action will take to achieve and set a date.


When you have fulfilled a goal, reward yourself. Some goals will be harder to achieve than others, so set the reward accordingly.

Like most things in life, preparation is key to achieving your career goals in 2016. With the right consideration, research and planning, there’s every reason your big dreams can become your reality.

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